The Eighth Wonder of the World - The Nasca Lines ✨
💫 The Nasca civilization, an ancient culture that thrived from the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD in the Nasca highlands of present-day southern Peru, stands as one of the most significant pre-Columbian civilizations in the Andean region. Renowned for its intricate art, pottery, and the enigmatic Nasca lines, this civilization left its mark on the world. Among its main archaeological sites are Nasca and Paracas, located in the Nasca highlands.
✨ Among these sites, the Nasca lines, often mentioned in books discussing the world's unsolved mysteries, have captivated imaginations since childhood. Finally, today we have the privilege to witness them firsthand. Adorable extraterrestrial figures, gigantic birds, playful whales, mischievous monkeys, and scattered geometric patterns... These designs were etched over 2,000 years ago. While some scientists propose a connection with the local hydraulic system, the true purpose remains unknown. What we see is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Nasca lines.
💫 Don't miss the nearby archaeological sites and get a close look at the lines. Departing in the evening.
There are several other nearby archaeological sites around Nasca that are worth exploring. We were unaware of this until we saw impressive pictures posted by a local travel agency, prompting us to hire a car and visit. The car rental cost around 200 yuan and took us to three different locations. Among them, the Nasca ruins and the hydraulic system were particularly remarkable, making the trip well worthwhile.
Views: 190
Ideas: Aliens, Nazca Paintings, Nazca Lines, Peru, Peru travel, Peru travel, Where to travel, Niche travel, South America
Blog ID: 42859
Channels: Fun Places
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