You can learn Kung Fu abroad! That's an eye-opener!
I recently heard from a friend that she sent her kid to learn Kung Fu at an institution, and I was shocked. I've never heard of being able to learn proper Kung Fu abroad! I immediately went with her to check it out.
It's a Shaolin Kung Fu school in Walnut. When I went, I found that there were also older uncles and aunts learning, probably for health and fitness purposes. The master teaching them was very serious and kept demonstrating and correcting their movements. He looked very experienced!
Actually, kids are quite interested in Chinese Kung Fu. If you have a son, you can really consider letting him learn Kung Fu!
Views: 95
Ideas: Kung Fu, Chinese culture, Chinese martial Arts, talent show, Hobbies, sports
Blog ID: 69518
Location: United States / California / Los Angeles
Channels: Learning, Toddler 1-3yr, GradeSchooler 5-12yr, Sports
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